Reasons Why You Should Not Choose to Be an Author

Matt Newnham
3 min readMay 2, 2022
Writing a book

If you’re reading this article, you’re probably wondering why you should not choose to be an Author. After all, Writing a book will make you change who you are. But while the glamour of becoming an author is certainly attractive, there are several downsides to pursuing this career. Read on to find out why writing a book may not be right for you. And remember that there’s more to becoming an author than simply becoming famous.

Writing a book changes who you are

Writing a book is not an easy feat, but the results are well worth the effort. Once you’ve written a book, you can move up from a hobbyist to a world-class author. Your audience will be eager to read your words and hear about your passion. It will also give you the opportunity to make a lasting impact on the world. And who knows? It may even change who you are.

As you begin your book writing process, you’ll want to find the right writing environment for yourself. Pick a day and place to write your book. If you’re a busy person, you may need to write for only a few hours a day, or you may need to write every day for a full six days. Either way, you need to make the choice to write each day and maintain momentum.

Writing a book is hard

While many people try to write a book, only a select few actually succeed. The reasons for failure range from not putting in enough time, not sacrificing enough, to fear of failure or giving up when the going gets tough. But for those who do manage to complete the manuscript, the achievement is doubly rewarding. You will join an elite group of people who have written a book and are considered a badass.

The first hurdle to overcome when you’re starting a book is coming up with an interesting storyline and plot. The next step is putting it all down on paper in an organized, logical sequence. Even after the initial draft is complete, there’s still a lot of work to do, including editing, adding and deleting chapters. In fact, the whole writing process is time-consuming and requires a lot of self-discipline.

Writing a book is glamorous

The benefits of writing a book are abound. Not only does it elevate your credibility, it also opens doors for new business opportunities. Many people react positively when they hear that you have written a book. Writing a book can also bring in new clients and open up new job opportunities. Although these benefits aren’t always measurable, they can still have a significant impact on your life.

As a writer, you’ll probably always want to be famous. While many of us would like to be famous, few writers are famous solely for their books. Most people become famous for something else, like JK Rowling or Malcolm Gladwell. That’s okay, too. As a writer, you’ll be able to use your own platform to gain a global audience. It will help you become even more widely recognized.

My own books are available on Amazon



Matt Newnham

Professional writer of all things with a marketing brain and creative mind. Born storyteller, Published Author, Available for Hire. Thoughts are my Own